[Rust] Senior Rust Developer interview questions

By Almaz Murzabekov on Dec 22, 2022

If you are preparing for a Rust interview or if you are an interviewer looking for questions to ask potential candidates, this post is for you.

In this post, we will cover a range of Rust interview questions that might be considered as topics for interviewing experienced candidates. These questions cover various topics, including Rust language features, concurrency and parallelism, memory management, testing and debugging, performance optimization, and integration with external libraries and platforms. There is no answer for each question because these questions are comprehensive and the answer depends on the background experience of the candidate. Anyway, the following questions are just openings for having a good conversation with a candidate.

General openings

  • Can you describe your experience with Rust, including any notable projects or contributions to the Rust community?
    • This question will allow you to gauge the candidate’s level of experience with Rust, as well as their level of engagement with the Rust community.
  • How do you approach code organization and modularization in Rust?
    • Rust has a number of features that support modular and organized code, such as modules, crates, and the standard library,
  • What are some of the features of Rust that you find most useful, and why?
    • This question will give you an idea of the candidate’s understanding of Rust’s key features and how they use them in their work.
  • How do you approach software design and architecture in Rust, such as module system, design patterns, etc?
    • Rust has a number of features and principles that support good software design and architecture, such as its module system and design patterns, etc
  • How do you approach error handling in Rust?
    • Rust has a strong emphasis on safe and reliable code
  • How do you approach code review and testing in Rust?
    • Rust has a strong emphasis on testing and code review,
  • How do you approach documentation and code comments in Rust?
    • Rust has a strong emphasis on clear and well-documented code,

Rust Ecosystem questions

  • Can you describe a project that you worked on in Rust that required the integration with external services or platforms, such as libraries, APIs, databases, cloud services, etc?
    • Rust has a number of libraries and tools that support the integration with external services and platforms
  • Can you describe a project that you worked on in Rust that required the integration with external tools or platforms, such as build systems or package managers?
    • Rust has a number of tools and platforms that can be integrated with Rust code
  • Can you describe a project that you worked on in Rust that required the integration with other languages or systems?
    • Rust’s Foreign Function Interface (FFI) allows for the integration of Rust code with other languages and systems

Advanced Rust

  • Can you describe a project that you worked on in Rust that required the use of advanced language features such as procedural macros or custom derives?
    • Rust has a number of advanced language features that can be used to build powerful abstractions and write expressive code.
  • Can you describe a project that you worked on in Rust that required the use of macros or the Foreign Function Interface (FFI)?
    • Macros and FFI are advanced features of Rust that can be used to build powerful abstractions and integrate with other languages and systems.
  • Can you describe a project that you worked on in Rust that required the use of advanced concurrency or parallelism techniques, such as message passing or shared memory?
    • Rust has a number of features and libraries that support advanced concurrency and parallelism techniques
  • Can you describe a project that you worked on in Rust that required the use of advanced language features such as custom derive or the newtype pattern?
    • Rust has a number of advanced language features that can be used to build powerful abstractions and write expressive code
  • How do you approach performance optimization in Rust, including profiling and benchmarking?
    • Rust has a number of tools and techniques that can be used to optimize the performance of Rust code
  • How do you approach security in Rust?
    • Rust has strong support for secure programming practices
  • How do you approach memory management in Rust?
    • Rust has a unique approach to memory management with its borrowing and ownership system,
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